Extract executables by typing "tar xvf psed1.0.tar" 'hieraln' and 'hierview' were compiled under a RedHat 5.9 Linux operating system (kernelrelease 2.6.18-371.1.2.el5) running on an Intel Xeon x86_64 machine. Type ./hieraln or ./hierview for usage. To create input for these programs you can use: 1. the gismo (http://gismo.igs.umaryland.edu/) program to obtain an alignment in the cma format 2. the omcBPPS program (http://chain.umaryland.edu/omcbpps/) to obtain hierarchy files from the alignment. The hieraln program adjusts each subgroup's alignment within the hierachy. The hierview program uses output from the hieraln program to create: 1. pymol files for visualizing correlated residue patterns 2. contrast alignment files in rich text format (rtf). Currently running a PSED analysis is quite involved. To simplify this process, the psed tarball also includes omcBPPS-generated files for N-acetyltransferases (i.e., natA.sets, natA.hpt, natA.mma), which are used as input to the hieraln program. The hieraln program creates the following output files as input to the hierview program: natA_himsa.sets, natA_himsa.tpl, natA_himsa.hpt, and natA_himsa.cma To create pymol output files using hierview: 1. uncompress and untar pdb_nat.tar.Z; 2. create a symbolic link to the resulting pdb_nat directory within the /tmp directory; 3. use the -pdb_paths=pdb_list option with hierview. For example, run 'hierview natA_himsa 10 -pdb_paths=pdb_list' to generate output for the 10th subgroup. For further information contact: Andrew F. Neuwald Institute for Genome Sciences and Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Maryland School of Medicine 801 West Baltimore St. BioPark II, Room 617 Baltimore, MD 21201 Tel: 410-706-6724; Fax: 410-706-1482; E-mail: aneuwald@som.umaryland.edu Home page: http://www.igs.umaryland.edu/~aneuwald